Stephen |
Un-official Leader of the SIT's he has been a major influance in their lives ever since Season 1. Friendly and
kind, he will help the SIT's with whatever problems they may have.
Kelly |
Kelly was once labled the 'cheer leader' of the SIT's. However as her time with Giles grows, so does she, to the
point where she now thinks before speaking her mind.
Jules |
Jules is the down to earth member of the group. Much like Oz she will wait until a quiet moment to speak out.
However she's not above kicking demon butt when needed.
Tim |
Tim is the 'big brother' of the group. He is friendly and well liked by everyone, and will offer adive when needed.
This does not prevent him from kicking demon butt when the need arises. Left with Marc and the group to move to Red
Hill and WIT
Marc |
Another Watcher, and mentor to Kayce. Marc is very much a part of the team. However he holds within him vast
magics, that can, on occassion take control of him, leading to terrifying consiquences.
Simone |
The unknown SIT, Simone was originally discovered not by the Council, but by the manipulative Ruby. Joining forces
with the SIT's she has found that not all the Council's operatives are like the ones she had dealings with in the past.
Kayce |
Kayce is the youngest of the SIT's, and Marc's own charge. She is strong willed, but hesitant at the same time.
However her Time with the other SIT's has given her persptive on life.