



Holy Ground



The Nunnery was situated near to route 24 out of LA, it was a lone building that dated back to the earliest beginnings f the city. Around it, for miles, there was nothing but grass lands, a small lake just to the north. Although various companies had sought to buy out this land for their own needs, expansion, building and the such, the government of LA had elected to keep the area as a wild life reserve, a fact that had pleased the members of the Nunnery no end.

The interior of the Nunnery was a contrast in study. Bleak grey walls, bereft of any attempt at painting contrasted with the thin well trodden carpet that covered the floor. It had been blue originally, but time and usage had turned it to the same grey colour as the wall. All except in one room. That room had no carpet, and the walls we’re not bare. They used to be, but today they were red. The blood that covered them and pooled to the ground as it dripped down the walls. In the centre of the room lay a body. Motionless, internal organs on display. Sister Mary. Or rather the remains of Sister Mary.

Sister Amber walked quietly down the passageway. She was late for mass, but her superior Mother Alexis had asked her to go and fetch Sister Mary. She hadn’t turned up for morning meal, and it was thought that she might have been unwell. But, true to the order, even if one was unwell it was sacrilege to even think of missing afternoon mass. After all they could always go back to sleep afterwards. Gently Sister Amber knocked on the door to Sister Mary’s room. There was no answer.

“Sister Mary?” she called softly as she knocked again. Still there was no answer. Looking down at the door handle she could see a fluid pooling under the crack of the door, slowly seeping out into the hall. Quite worried Sister Amber tried the door handle. It opened with a small creak. the light inside the room was provided by a lone, thin window on the far wall. But it was wrong. The light was red. Or rather the window was. Sister Amber looked around, her gaze following the blood as it dripped down the walls, and... across the floor.

The afternoon Mass had never been disturbed. That was the way it should be. However the scream that echoed throughout the Nunnery brought proceedings to a halt. Mother Loraine, looked up sharply at Brother Claude, who was leading the mass, and then stood. Crossing herself she hurried from the mass chamber and out into the hall, followed by the other Nun’s. They made their way quickly, but quietly up the stairs, towards Sister Mary’s room. Outside, The Mother Superior caught sight of Sister Amber sitting on the floor, tears streaming down her face. Quickly she went and knelt next to her.

“My child.. what has caused this distress?” she asked. Sister Amber pointed to the open door, and Mother Loraine followed her gaze.

“Mother of god have mercy.... not again” she said softly as he gaze lingered on the body of Sister Mary.

“how is she?” asked Giles looking over at Stephen, who was walking down the stairs. Stephen shrugged.

“she’s trying hard, she’s strong, I think she just needs some time to get over seeing Matt again” Stephen replied.

“Yes, I think we all will, he was quite the lovable child” said Giles.

“It sounds like he was a good kid, I wish I’d been here to meet him” Stephen replied.

“yes.. yes.. well we can dwell on the past, as remember fondly... and never forget the way he affected us” said Giles. Out in the hall the phone rang.

“I’ve got it!” called Jenna from the hall.

“It might be Marc, he still hasn’t called” said Stephen. Giles nodded. A moment later, Jenna appeared in the room.

“Giles, its for you” she said, handing him the phone. Giles raised an eyebrow but took the call.

“Hello, Rupert Giles speaking” he began.

“Hello Rupert” said a woman’s voice. Familiar. Yet one he hadn’t heard in a long time.

“My god.. Mother Loraine.. its been so long.. how are you?”

“I wish I could say this was a social call Rupert, however I have a favour to ask of you” she said, as if she hadn’t heard his question.

“Of course, whatever I can do to help” he said.

“Your still training the Slayers?” she asked.

“Yes... yes I am” he said slowly.

“Then I need to ask you to come here, to the Nunnery. We have had a few incidents of late.. and I believe its the sort of problem you’re used to dealing with” she said.

“Of course, I’ll come right away, but is it possible you could give me some information before I get there?” he asked, aware that Stephen and Jenna were watching him intently.

“I’d rather speak to you in person, but please hurry Rupert, before it happens again” she said, before the line went dead. Giles looked at the phone, then handed it back to Jenna.

“thank you Jenna” he said. she nodded and went back into the hall.

“So.. what gives?” asked Stephen. Giles looked up at him.

“Sorry?” he asked,

“Old flame of yours?”

“Oh.. no.. actually we’re very good friends, we haven’t spoken in nearly eighteen years however”

“ahh... real good friends then” Stephen said with a smile. Giles harrumphed and stood up.

“I have to go out, is it possible I can take the girls?” he asked.

“Sure.. I don’t think there’s anything that needs immediate attention” Stephen said. “you want me with...” he asked.

“No... no I’ll just go with the girls myself” said Giles. Stephen nodded.

“Ok.. Willow is stopping by later, Xander’s due in from Africa today, so she’s gone to meet him with Buffy, I said they could stay here” Stephen said.

“Yes, of course. I’ll see you later then” Giles said. Walking out he called for the girls. A moment later Kara walked in.

“Problems?” she asked looking at Stephen. Stephen shrugged.

“An old friend of Giles” he replied. then his face brightened. “Oh I need you to do me a favour, can you pick up Willow and the others from the Airport?... I’d go.. but” he said. Kara nodded. the original plan had been for Buffy, Willow and Xander to come back to LA with Stephen, however Tim had called from England, asking if they’d wait a few days until he arrived. Stephen had returned to LA, leaving the others to follow.

“Sure, no problem” Kara said.

“The conversion of the innocent... the blood of the holy, the sacrifice, the wants and needs of the flesh. All of these are part of the plan. All of these are what we require for our true lord” said Dark Marc, walking around the alter. Behind it stood two woman. A nun, and a dark skinned girl, with piercing’s all over her ears. Her hair was spiked and coloured red.

“These things and much more” agreed the nun turning to face him. Dark Marc fought an involuntary shudder as he looked at her. The nun was nothing more than a skeletal corpse, hollowed eyes, maggot ridden habit. The skin, what remained was as tight as parchment, cracked liked aged paper. And wafer thin. She held up a bony finger and pointed at him.

“We need more to satisfy our lord” she said.

“And you will have them” Dark Marc replied with a nod. He turned his attention to a cage in the far corner of the room, inside it stood the Darkling. Waiting.. Watching. Hunger growing.

“then go” said the nun. Dark marc nodded and the air shimmered around him, when it cleared, he was no longer Dark Marc... he was Brother Claude. He turned and left the room.

“Rupert” Mother Loraine’s greeting was warm, her smile genuine. She looked from Giles to the Slayers behind him.

“Mother Loraine, its good to see you again.. may I introduce Kelly, Jenna, Rose and Simone, the Slayers we are currently training” he said. She looked at them and smiled.

“Its is an honour” she bowed.

“She’s knows we’re Slayers. What, did someone just stick a sing out saying ‘hey look, Slayers here’ ?” asked Jenna. Giles chuckled.

“You’ll find Jenna that the Slayers and the Religious calling are quite often entwined” Giles said.

“But we, as your watchers are sworn to uphold your laws” said Mother Loraine.

“You said that some incidents had taken place recently.. please, if you could explain further, we can get your problem solved” Giles said.

“Yes.. yes of course.. if you’ll follow me” Mother Loraine said leading them into the nunnery.

“Hope” Stephen sat on Hope’s bed looking at her. She was facing the wall.

“Hope... I know its difficult.. but.. you can’t stay like this” he said softly. Slowly she turned over.

“Do you know what it’s like to lose a child? twice?” she asked gently.

“I have no idea. I never knew Matt, but I wish I had.. the way he affected everyone. But Hope.. you can’t dwell on losing him.. you can remember him” Stephen tried.

“Its not that easy”

“It never is. The point is... “ his voice trailed off.

“The pint is?” she prompted.

“I guess I’m not sure. But please.. don’t just sit here.. you have to get on with your life” he said.

“I know.. I just... I don’t feel ready” she said.

“Would it help to talk about it?” he offered.

“Yes... no.... I don’t know, all I know is that I’ve lost him again” she said, the tears falling from her eyes now. Stephen pulled her too him and hugged her gently.

“You’ve never lost him Hope. not as long as you remember him in your heart” he said.

“About a month ago, the first incident took place” said Brother Claude. Giles and the girls were sitting opposite him with Mother Loraine.

“It was a young sister. New to our order, Sister Gracie” he continued. with a sigh he opened his desk drawer. “We thought it was an isolated incident. Not all people can handle the solitary life of religion.. all we ask is that their faith in god is pure. I have no doubt that all the girls come to us with these views.. but being alone after a time in the outside world can make it difficult. We turn away no one” he finished.

“Suicide” said Simone. Brother Claude nodded.

“That is what we thought at first. Then about a week later it happened again. Sister Bonita, although this time it was more... violent”

“How so?” asked Giles.

“It seemed to be more... ritualistic.. not as if she had inflicted these wounds herself” he explained.

“And I take it there have been more incidents?” asked Giles.

“Yes.. I’m afraid so. One more. Just this morning. Sister Mary. Whereas the Sisters Bonita and Gracie were new, we might have accepted suicide. But Sister Mary she has been here for a number of years and seemed quite content with her life here” said Mother Loraine.

“As you can see, we’re now quite worried for the safety of our Sisterhood” said Brother Claude.

“As I can well see. Tell me is it possible I could see the room where this morning’s incident took place?” asked Giles.

“Of course. But I warn you it is not pleasant” said Brother Claude. He stood and Giles followed with the girls as he led them down the hall. Stopping outside Sister Mary’s door he pulled some keys from his pocket.

“We thought it prudent to lock this room, lest the other sisters see what has happened. They are already nervous.. we don’t need a full scale panic” said brother Claude.

“A wise decision” agreed Giles. Bother Claude unlocked the door with a faint click, and then opened it. the door opened with a small creak. Inside the room was dark. He reached in and flicked on the light, and gasped, as did Mother Loraine. the room was tidy, no traces of blood on the walls, the floor was clean.

“But this is impossible” Stammered Mother Loraine. Beside her Brother Claude nodded in agreement.

“This room was a mess.. and the body...” he said softly.

“Your sure no one else had access to this room?” asked Rose.

“Positive. Only Mother Loraine and myself have the keys” Brother Claude told her.

“Very well, We’ll see what we can find out... you say the nun who found her has been given time to rest?” asked Giles.

“Sister Amber. yes she has” said Mother Loraine.

“If its possible I’d like to talk to her”

“We were hoping to let her rest” said Mother Loraine.

“But of course your help is appreciated. You may talk to her” interrupted brother Claude.

“thank you” Giles wasn’t immune to the look that Mother Loraine had given Brother Claude.

“Her room is downstairs, the second door on the left. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some business to attend to, a religious life may be lonely, but it is still busy” Said Brother Claude. Giles nodded.

“thank you”

“No, It is us who should thank you” he replied, walking away.

“Slayers.. slayers and watchers here they be.. will they find us?... yes indeed” sang the dark skinned woman. The nun remained silent, her empty eyes locked onto Dark Marc.

“I had to keep up the pretence of the caring priest” said Dark Marc.

“Pretences... things of life. Our lord demands another tonight. And he must have one” said the Nun.

“The mother Superior is wise as always” agreed Dark Marc.

“then make sure the Slayers are kept out of the way” she hissed. Behind Dark Marc the Darkling growled in its cage. Dark Marc looked down.

“You are troubled... why?” asked the Mother superior.

“Confess confess to the sins of the flesh!” sang the woman. Dark Marc glanced at her sharply.

“I confess nothing.. I wonder why we waist time with these.... religious wannabes”

“Waste time? waste time?” repeated the Mother superior.

“Stupid questions.. stupid mind.. the mind of a mortal.. is a mind lost in time” sang the woman again.

“We are removing the barriers between the flesh and the soul. A decedent life.. hollow and sad. Remove the barriers remove the god.. remove the light he shines on the world” said the Mother superior.


“Yours is not question!” she snapped. “Yours is to serve.. .the power that will be unleashed. It will be pure.. unadulterated... the chaos.. the death... all of it... there is not much time.. a few weeks in fact before the fate’s will clash and the future of this world will be decided one final time.. questions are not to be asked. You think in small terms. With a small closed mind. The Devil... The Master... Your own fears are nothing... they are nothing compared to the end of everything!” the Mother superior said.

“the end of time, or the beginning of new.. the outcome of this is al up to you” sang the woman.

“Its already beginning. Ruby has almost completed her part. Flamma is causing no end of trouble in Red Hill and The First will soon be released... So why all the sacrifices to the Darkling?” demanded Dark Marc.

“The death of a slayer.. the blood of an Old one. All are needed when the time is right. Now go.. before you are missed” said the mother superior. Again Dark Marc transformed back into Brother Claude.

“Tonight, tonight a sacrifice bright.. the blood must flow or the gates will close” sang the woman. Dark Marc walked out of the chamber.

Sister Amber sat in front of her personal alter and prayed. She was interrupted by a soft knock at the door. silently rising she opened it a crack to see a teenage girl looking at her.

“May I help you?” asked Sister Amber.

“Sister Amber? my name is Rose, I’m here with some friends to investigate the incidents that have been happening here the past few weeks, is it ok for us to speak to you?” asked Rose. Sister Amber opened the door a little more, seeing the other girls and a man standing there.

“Please, come in” she said, a little wariness creeping into her voice. The girls and Giles entered, looking around the small room. Giles quietly closed the door.

“I’m sorry I cannot offer you any seats” Sister Amber said apologetically.

“that’s quite all right” Giles gently assured her.

“You said you had questions?” she prompted.

“Yes.. of course. Can you tell us from the beginning what you actually saw?” asked Giles.

“I’ll try... just give me a moment to gather my thoughts..” she said softly. When she continued a few seconds later, her voice was shaky, and she seemed to be trembling.

“It was before today’s Mass Sister Mary hadn’t shown up, and Brother Claude asked if I could go and see if she was alright. I did, and hurried up to her room. When I got there I noticed that there was something wrong. The door wasn’t locked, but there was what seemed to be blood polling from under the gap at the bottom of the door. When I opened the door..” her voice trailed off.

“Yes?” asked Jenna.

“When I opened the door, I saw Sister Mary. Her... body had been ripped open, her.... entrails strewn across the floor... the blood... there was so much blood” she said softly. Tears slid down her cheeks and she sat herself down gently on the bed.

“I wasn’t close to Sister Mary, only enough to exchange greetings... but this.... this wasn’t human. this wasn’t holy” she stammered. When it was clear that she had finished talking Giles quietly opened the door and led the SIT’s out into the hallway.

“It makes no sense” said Jenna.

“What doesn’t?”

“I mean, if this is a demon we’re dealing with... why here? a Nunnery? isn’t there something about Holy ground being deadly to demons?” she asked.

“Unfortunately Jenna, not all demons share that weakness, and some even thrive on the environment” Giles said.

“Think of it, what better place to hide then where you’d be least expected?” added Simone. The girls and Giles shivered slightly, seeing as this is exactly what they had done before they had been activated.. Hidden from their enemies in the very town that housed those enemies. Giles along with Buffy had done the same with the potentials in the following months, when the First had shown up.

“This is of course all hearsay, we might not be dealing with a demon at all” Giles said at length.

“Oh right, so its Rasputin the mad Monk’s ghost?” Jenna bit off.

“Thank you for that Jenna, if you have anything constructive to add please do tell” Giles said a little snappishly.

“I will”

“Look, I think the best course of action is for us to investigate Sister Mary’s room, I mean even if it has been cleared up there must be something there” offered Kelly.

“Yes.. I believe for the moment that is all we can do” agreed Giles.

“Home sweet LA” muttered Xander falling onto the couch.

“Giles still not back from the Nunnery?” asked Willow, looking at Stephen. Stephen shook his head, but remained silent before going upstairs.

“Hope?” he asked.

“I’m here” she replied from the other side of the door. Quietly he opened the door and walked in. Hope was sitting on the bed, the picture of Matt in her hand. Stephen went over and sat by her. He looked at the picture of Matt’s smiling face.

“Nice looking kid” he said.

“The best” she replied. Stephen smiled.

“He has your eyes”


“No... has” as soon as you start thinking had that’s when your close to losing someone. Believe me, I know” Stephen replied.

“Do you?” Hope asked, looking up at him.

“Yes...although, no not a child, but still someone who was very important to me” he explained.

“Faye” Hope guessed.

“See, that’s where I get confused. Losing someone, and having their memory, or losing someone hand having their memory twisted into something evil, that you constantly face” he said. Hope stroked his face softly.

“I can see where it would be difficult. I have Matt’s memories old and new in here” she said holding her hand over her heart.

“Where as I have old memories that are being twisted every single day” he told her. Hope closed her eyes, then opened them as Stephen took her hand in his. “You have un tainted memories. Don’t ruin them by moping in self pity, live your life Hope. Live it for Matt” he told her. Hope looked at him then smiled slowly.

“Your right.. Matt wouldn’t want this” she said at length.

“Nope.. now, are you gonna come downstairs?” he asked standing. Hope stood with him.

“Just give me a moment” she asked.

“Sure” Stephen said, before he walked back out. Hope put the photo down on the bedside table and stroked Matt’s smiling face.

“We’re missing something here” said Giles, as he searched Sister Mary’s room with the girls. Kelly stopped her rummage through some drawers and looked at her watcher.

“well you heard Brother Claude, only he and Mother Loraine have the key to this room, but its obvious somebody tidied up in here” she said.

“Yes.. and they did a great job as well, considering that there was supposed to be so much blood it was dripping down the walls... “ Rose added, letting the sentence fade out. Giles nodded.

“That I’m afraid leaves us two scenarios, either Sister Amber was lying... which I doubt because both Brother Claude and Mother Lorain collaborated her story. Or...”

“Or?” asked Jenna.

“There is a malevolent, magical force at work” he finished.

“There is a third possibility, and don’t tell me you haven’t considered it Giles” Simone said.

“Oh, and what would that be?” asked Giles.

“That Mother Loraine or Brother Claude killed Sister Mary, then cleaned the mess up” said Simone.

“that’s preposterous, I have know Mother Loraine for 18 years-”

“And? people change Giles, its part of life. You have no way of knowing that Mother Loraine is even the same person anymore” Simone countered.

“We know they weren’t responsible, after all the attack happened during the afternoons Mass, and both Mother Lorain and Brother Claude were there” Giles said.

“We know, but all we have is their word that the attack happened during the Mass. Remember Giles, Sister Amber was asked to go and get Sister Mary. And Brother Claude said that Sister Mary returned to her room this morning, and hadn’t been seen since. She could have been killed anytime between then and the afternoon Mass” Jenna argued. Giles was about to protest, when he realised they were right. Silently he sat on the bed and looked at the girls.

“You do have a valid point” he admitted.

“Thank you, so what do we do?” asked Jenna.

“We question them, and the other Sisters to see if they have heard anything” said Giles.

Mother Loraine looked up at Giles question.

“I beg your pardon?” she asked.

“Its important we track everyone’s whereabouts this morning between the time Sister Mary returned to her room and her subsequent discovery by Sister Amber. Even you can see the wisdom in that” Giles said.

“Rupert, why I appreciate your help, I cannot allow you to... interview our Sisters like they were common criminals” Mother Lorain replied.

“I’m afraid I agree with Mr. Giles” said Brother Claude. Mother Loraine shot him a glance, just as she had done in the hallway, but remained silent.

“Our first calling is to God, however we must also protect those under our care” Brother Claude continued.

“And interrupt the daily lives of this Nunnery.. I’m sorry but I disagree” Mother Loraine replied. She sighed and sat back in her chair. “However seeing as I have little choice in the matter, you may proceed, I pray however it provides results” she added.

“thank you, now I have a further request, you have 168 Sisters here I believe, that is quite a lot for myself and the Slayers to interview, so i have requested that the other watchers I work with help in the interviews”

“More disruption” Mother Loraine muttered. Giles lost all pretence of friendship then and finally snapped.

“Look you asked us here to help, and I came, now when I’m trying to discover the truth, you seem intent on blocking my every move!” he told her.

“Do not take that tone with me Rupert, you have but a few charges to deal with, I however have many. Any disruption to their daily life is another task for me to deal with” she replied.

“please... lets not argue, these are stressful times, however we must work united if we are to get to the bottom of this” Brother Claude said holding up his hands. Mother Lorain sighed and nodded. Giles gave him a nod of thanks, then walked out of the room.

Stephen arrived with Kara, Hope, Willow, Buffy and Xander in tow. Giles greeted them on the front steps and quickly filled them in on what had been happening.

“I used to have dreams about Nunneries... strangely arcane like deaths have ruined them” Xander said when Giles had finished.

“Xander... this is serious” said Giles. Xander nodded.

“So, where do we start?” asked Hope.

“Brother Claude provided me with a list of the Sister’s currently living here, I thought we might split it up between us, we’ll work in teams because we don’t know who the killer is” Giles said.

“Sounds like a plan” said Stephen. Giles led them into the Nunnery.

“You... should not have allowed this to happen.. how can we carry out the sacrifice with all the Slayers and now all the watchers here?” demanded the Mother Superior. Dark Marc looked at her.

“What was I meant to do? at least if I ‘help’ them it will keep them from spending too much time with me. By casting doubts on Mother Loraine, I’m aiding our goal”

“I’m afraid your... ‘help’ may cost us dearly. I have checked the portents, and Mother Loraine must be the next sacrifice” The Mother Superior said.

“You are joking” he replied. The Mother superior remained silent.

“Three there were here, now but one remains.. Sacrifice tonight, or suffer our might” said the body guard.

“Oh will you shut up” Dark Marc snapped. “Your sing song’s are really beginning to grate on my nerves!” he added.

“Your task is clear Dark Marc. Mother Lorain must die tonight” said the Mother Superior.

“Nothing... this is getting more and more difficult” muttered Giles as the group met back in Mother Loraine’s office.

“There has to be some connection” said Rose.

“They’re all women?” offered Xander.

“Apart from the obvious Xand” Buffy replied.

“Maybe... maybe we’re going about this the wrong way” said Hope. The group looked at her. “Well instead of looking at the murders, lets look at the Nun’s whop were killed, maybe they have a connection” she said.

“I hope we not gonna make a habit of this brain storming stuff” Xander said. Everyone groaned, causing Xander to frown.

“What? oh... I made a funny... yay me” he said.

“Your point is well taken Hope, as that is the only avenue -” Giles was cut off by the door slamming open. Brother Claude stood there, his breathing ragged.

“Brother Claude?” asked Giles going to his side.

“Oh... god... its happened again” he said, his breathing was fast, and shallow.

“Where? who?” asked Giles, helping him to sit down.

“I was going to see Mother Loraine.... but....”

“No... she can’t be” muttered Giles, letting go of Brother Claude.

“Her room, go to her room” he said, handing Giles a key. At least he’d had the presence of mind to lock the door. Giles took the key and the group ran from Mother Loraine’s office. As the door closed Brother Claude allowed a smile to cross his face.

“Idiots” he muttered in Dark Marc’s voice.

Giles unlocked the door to Mother Loraine’s room. The site that greeted him was one of pure evil. Blood covered the walls and the floor. Mother Loraine had been hung from the ceiling by a metal hook through her back. Her wrists had been cut, and she had been disembowelled. The blood that had pooled below her was spreading out across the floor. Giles fell against the hall wall, and slipped to the floor.

“No...” he muttered. As he spoke an explosion of light filled the room. The Slayers fell back from the doorway. A Nun was standing in the centre of the room. But her skin was cracked and parched. Her cheeks hollow and her eye sockets empty. Maggots crawled over her Habit.

“know me as your enemy” she intoned pointing at the Slayers. “That which was shall be again.. That which is shall be no more. The Blood of three, has been provided” she intoned.

“who the hell are you?” demanded Giles rising to his feet in anger. the mother Superior looked at him.

“That which you cannot destroy alone Watcher” she said. A second later, there was another flash of Light and Brother Claude appeared.

“Come, it is time, our work here is done” she said to him.

“Brother Claude?” muttered Kelly. Brother Claude turned and smiled at the group.

“Surprise” he said, as the image fell away to reveal Dark Marc.

“This... this is just the tip of the ice berg... see you soon” he said, as he, the Mother Superior and her body guard vanished.

“Played... played like idiots” muttered Buffy.

“We weren’t to know” said Hope.

“we should have.” Giles said before he walked down the corridor. The rest of the group watched as the blood began to vanish. Soon only the hanging body of Mother Lorain remained.

Giles stood at the side of his friends grave. He knelt down by it and put his hand gently on the neatly packed earth.

“I promise you, I will stop them” he said. He didn’t know how long he knelt there before a shadow fell across him. Looking up he expected to see Buffy, Kelly, or maybe Stephen and Kara. But he frowned as he saw Hope. Standing he looked back down at the grave.

“You knew didn’t you?” Hope said finally.

“Only when Mother Lorain was killed” Giles replied.

“The Mother Superior said something about needing three... she got them” Hope replied.

“I know.. if only I’d seen sooner, as you said.. the connection between the people who were killed” he muttered.

“You weren’t to know Giles” Hope replied.

“I didn’t even think that She would have been activated when Willow did that spell on the scythe I thought she would have been too old.” he admitted.

“It was 18 years ago Giles.. when she wasn’t called to be a Slayer... your not to know that she wasn’t really one”

“and the other two as well” Giles said.

“We’re unknown” Hope replied, putting her hand on his shoulder.

“He played us... he played me like a fool” said Giles.

“then its time we stopped letting him play, and started tracking him... he will pay for this Giles” Said Hope. Giles nodded and looked back at Mother Loraine’s grave. He had lost a friend. But he vowed as Hope had said, that he would not rest until Dark Marc and the Mother Superior were no more.